Dr. Abrams specializes in Cannabis Data Science and Chemotyping, as well as Cannabis Clinical Correlates. He has invented a patent pending, icon-based system that communicates natural product content complexity to consumers. He spearheaded The Dosing Project, a web-based observational clinical study platform. John has also devised a cultivation sampling plan. Dr Abrams previously served as the Scientific Director of The Emerald Conference. He is the Chairman & CSO of The Clinical EndoCannabinoid System Consortium, The CESC, a Non-Profit ensuring best practices for Botanical Medicine. He has over 40 years of experience in Biotechnology, with a deep background in Biochemistry, Immunology and Antibody Technology, as well as an abiding interest in Linguistics. . He has authored over 100 scientific publications and holds over a dozen issued patents.
John Abrams, PhD
Chairman & Chief Scientific Officer, The CESC